High Priestess

5 Steps to Become More Intuitive

You are not alone…

This was a huge realization for me. When I realized that my atheistic family upbringing wasn’t “the truth,” my biggest AHA ever was the realization that we are not alone. There are beings on the other side to help us, guide us and protect us. We just have to be open enough to allow ourselves to connect with them. They will guide and help us anyway, even if we don’t consciously connect, but their job is so much harder when we don’t listen or acknowledge the signs that they use for communication. You have the free will to be stubborn and pig-headed and ignore every sign they send you, but why would you want that? Or, you can simply ask for guidance and listen with your heart…

5 ways to become more intuitive

  1. Gut Feeling
    When you just start opening up to your intuition, the easiest form of communication between you and your guidance is to pay attention to your gut feeling. Even a simple thing like a gut feeling is actually one way your guides are telling you if something will benefit you, or not. Ask yourself, do I have a bad feeling or am I excited? Do I feel dread or joy? Heavy or light? Joy or sadness? If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. It is as simple as that. But, don’t pay attention to your fear because fear comes from your mind, and not from your intuitive connection with your guides. So, look beyond the fear. Are you excited, even though you are scared? If so, it’s a go… Do you feel a sense of dread, even though it looks like something good? Then trust the feeling and don’t do it.
  2. Use Your Imagination
    Imagination, really? Yes, imagination. Imagination comes from the right side of your brain. When you use your imagination, the words will flow as you open up to allow guidance to flow as well. It may start as imagination, but all of a sudden, you’ll notice information coming through that is much wiser than the things that you normally think. So, imagination can be one way you can trick yourself into opening up to your inner guidance. And, why would you want to trick yourself? You may have to trick yourself because some of you have such strong critical minds that there is no room for guidance to enter unless you find a way to put your mind aside. The mind doesn’t care about your imagination, because it doesn’t believe it is real. So, it will step back and allow you to fantasize, and it won’t even notice that all of a sudden, real guidance is coming through…
  3. Setting a Clear Intention at Night
    This is one method that is working really well for me. If there is something you can’t figure out on your own, and you really want some guidance about it, just tell your guides at night just before you go to sleep. Ask them to give you the answer by morning. I have done this with math problems, business problems, parenting issues, relationship issues and even Tarot spreads! There is no limit to what you can ask your guides to help you with. And the answer always comes the next morning. As soon as you wake up, lie there for a few seconds with eyes closed. Center yourself, and then ask again to get an answer. And, it will come to you, as a vision, an idea, a gut feeling, a knowing, or even a voice in your head. And then all you have to do is get out of bed and write it down! It is amazing what comes, and this kind of guidance always blows me away…
  4. Asking for Signs
    Spirit guides love giving you signs! You just have to pay attention. I remember once when I was really worried about my financial situation, a van drove by with big words written on the side saying: “Your troubles are going to be over soon!” Now, what are the chances of that? And, to really hammer it in, the van went to fill gas, and then drove by me again, this time in the other direction! Angel numbers are another way your guides like to communicate with you. Angel numbers are repeating numbers, such as 11:11, 222, 12:12, 444. When you see these numbers, the angels are trying to encourage you to keep doing what you are doing. If you want to know what the numbers mean, look them up on Google. Your guides can also communicate with you through books, songs and movies. You may be guided to take a book down from a shelf, open it to a random page, and there is a perfect message that you needed to hear. There are many other signs to. Just pay attention, and you’ll start to notice…
  5. Automatic Writing
    This works well for people who like writing. The process is simple. Ask a question, and then center yourself with deep breathing or meditation to silence your mind. In that silent space, write down whatever words plop into your head. When you are consciously going empty, and words are still coming, those words are guidance from a higher vibrational space, even though you are using the mind to translate the info. The secret is to write the words down so fast that your critical mind has no say. Just let them flow freely, with no restriction from your mind. Then put it away and read it later, and you’ll blow yourself away! If this appeals to you, go for it! It could help you write a book without any effort on your part, because all the words are simply given to you from Spirit.

The most important thing is to never second guess yourself when you are opening up to your intuition. Intuition comes from a wiser place than where you are at, and it never bothers to explain itself or prove itself to you. It is the mind from the left side of the brain that requires proof, but you can never satisfy the mind no matter how convincing your proof is. This is because it is in the nature of the mind to keep questioning and finding fault with the proof. So, your intuition never bothers giving you proof.

So, if you want to become more intuitive, you have to replace skepticism with faith. My master Osho told us that we should be skeptical about anything worldly, but have total faith in anything spiritual. And, curiously, this is pretty much the opposite of what you normally see in the world. Normal people trust science, mind and logic, while they intensely distrust their own intuition, inner guidance and wisdom from beyond. Which one do you think is more worth listening to? That is for you to decide..

2 thoughts on “5 Steps to Become More Intuitive”

  1. “Listen to your gut.”

    I hear this mistaken advice from many sources.

    The gut is in the solar plexus chakra, a lower chakra, and the seat of emotions.

    Emotions block any contact with the higher self/intuition. The message cannot get through the emotions.

    To hear the intuition one must come in contact with the higher chakras. That is where intuition resides.

    1. Hi John. People who are not yet in touch with their higher Chakras can use their gut feeling as a form of basic guidance. I don’t agree that emotions block intuition. Emotions can be a good guide as to whether you are in alignment with Spirit, or not. Joy, love and excitement is a yes, while misery and negativity is a no. It is very basic, and I’m sure more intuition comes through as you evolve into the higher Chakras, but you have to start somewhere. For someone who is still at the third Chakra, listening to their gut feeling is not a bad place to start.

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