Tarot Card Picture

Can Tarot Tell the Future?

Future Predictions

People love future predictions, and Tarot has been used for future predictions since the beginning of time. But, how accurate is it? That is the big question!

The way I see it, Tarot is an accurate mirror of your frequency, right here and now. And when we put out cards for the future, it accurately predicts what will happen if you keep doing what you have been doing up to now. But the whole point of a Tarot reading is to give you enough clarity that you can make a shift or change in your situation. And when you make such a change, your future changes too….

I used to tell my kids throughout their childhood that every decision you make changes your future. A different thought, a different choice, a different perception is all it takes to create a completely different reality for yourself. I was so proud of my daughter the other day when I heard her talking to a friend on the phone about free will, and she said: “Yes, you do have free will, but every decision you make has consequences that you have to be prepared to live with!” I’m so happy she got the message…

Destiny and Free Will

As you can see, there is a fine line between destiny and free will. There are millions of possible destinies already “out there,” but we can choose which one we want by the thoughts we think and the decisions we make.

When I started doing Tarot, years and years ago, I would jokingly say to people that if they didn’t like the future predictions in the cards, they could just do something different and everything would shift because the future is not set in stone. It is simply one of millions of possibilities available to you, and if you don’t like it, just make a small adjustment, such as a shift in frequency, or a different life choice in your physical reality, and your future shifts accordingly.

The Law of Attraction teaches us that we have the power to be and do and have anything we want because we are powerful co-creators that can attract or create anything. So, when people ask me: “What’s going to happen if….”, I can answer that question with the Tarot, but it always comes with a disclaimer because if you change anything in the equation, the outcome will be different. In that sense, life is like math. Change one number, and you get a different answer.

No More Future Predictions for Me

This is the reason why I have stopped predicting anyone’s future because I find it completely pointless when you consider the fact that all you have to do is change some insignificant little thing, and then the whole future prediction becomes null and void.

It is a lot more helpful to put cards out that gives you as much insight as possible about what is going on right here and now. NOW is all there is, and this is where our focus should be because all change happens in the NOW.

Yes, You Can Predict the Future, but Why Would You?

So, even though you CAN predict the future with the Tarot, you are only predicting ONE of the millions of possible futures you could have, and that, in my book, is pretty pointless, so my readings never go there…

You are so much better off with a solid understanding of what happened in the past leading up to the now. That way, you can empower yourself to take action and direct your life where you want it to go instead. So, no more gloomy future readings. It is all about taking your destiny in your own hands by putting your intentions into the field of infinite possibilities! Are you up for it?

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