Tarot Card Picture

How to Ask the Right Questions

Tarot isn’t just a game of playing cards to me. While I have to admit that Tarot is both fun and entertaining, it is so much more than just entertainment. The knowledge of Tarot goes all the way back to Atlantis where the wisdom came from a manuscript called “the Book of Life.”

This book was like a map of the different stages we go through on the path to self-realization and spiritual evolution. Therefore, Tarot has the ability to unlock your potential by giving you the understanding and wisdom you need to keep expanding.

What are the Wrong Questions in Tarot?

The potential for growth and spiritual evolution can easily get lost if we ask the wrong questions in a reading, and by the wrong questions, I mean questions that gives you only a tiny bit of the truth.

A good example of pretty useless tarot questions are the yes/no questions. Does he love me? Is my soulmate coming soon? Will I win the lottery? Is he going to ask me to marry him?

As tempting as it is to want to know the answers to these kinds of questions, the questions are still useless! Why? Because life is so much more complex than just a yes/no question.

Take the first question: Does he love me? The answer may be yes, but what if he is already in a relationship with another? Or, what if you have certain qualities that he simply can’t deal with? Maybe your snore or stink, or maybe you have way too much debt or too many kids? Maybe you are crazy or lazy, or just looking for someone to take care of you? Or maybe HE is not ready for a relationship. Maybe he is afraid to be hurt since his last partner really crushed his heart? Or maybe he just wants to focus on his career, or even worse, maybe he loves another more…

Life is a Hot Mess

There is nothing simple about life! It is a hot mess for most people. Everything is tangled up in everything else. The best thing we can do is to hold the highest, most positive frequency we can manage, and go through the mess as gracefully as we can by appreciating every minute of the good stuff.

So yes/no questions have no value. They belong to the third dimension where everything is black or white, yes or no, this or that. But that is not life. Life can be yes and no at the same time, and instead of black or white, there are millions of shades of gray everywhere you look.

Open Ended Tarot Questions are Needed

It is much better to ask open ended questions that start with what, how or which. We call these open ended questions because they give room for exploring all the different layers of perception that make up what we call reality.

For example: What will happen if….
What do I need to know about…
How can I strengthen my relationship with…
Which one of my qualities are…
How can I nurture…
What can I do to…
Which skill should I develop to…

These are the kinds of tarot questions that allow you to get a deeper answer from your Tarot readings.

The Purpose of Tarot Readings

I would love my clients to walk away from a reading with a deeper understanding of their situation, and not just a simple yes or no answer. So, always take your time to formulate your Tarot questions in such a way that you will get the most out of your reading.

Just a simple thing, such as formulating the right questions correctly, can make the difference between a mediocre reading and an amazing reading. This is because the cards will reflect the quality of your questions. So, always ask your Tarot questions with sincerity for the purpose of gaining a deeper understanding of your situation.

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