
How to Take Inspired Action

Is there a Difference between Ego Action and Inspired Action?

Good question. I have wondered about this so many times. Sometimes, there is just a fine line separating the two. As far as I know, inspired action is what happens when you are in alignment and Spirit calls you into action. But, how do you know what is what?

You can actually feel the difference if you are in touch with your feelings. You can hear it in the words you use: “I think I’m going to…”, “I think this is the best way…”, “I think I love you…” NOT! Either you think or you feel. Thinking is superficial, feeling is a lot deeper…

Feeling is Your Most Basic Form of Divine Guidance

If something feels good, it means YES. If it doesn’t feel good, it indicates a NO. If you are not feeling it, don’t do it. If you are feeling it, things will flow for you. But, how often do we honor our feelings when it comes to taking action?

We are brought up in a culture where thinking is valued and feeling is disregarded. Are we ever encouraged to just sit down and feel it? I don’t think so. So, what happens when our actions are based on thinking instead of feeling?

Often times, it becomes a struggle and a burden. Things don’t flow, and it comes with a sense of stuckness or bondage. We have been taught by others that this is what commitment and responsibility is like. And quotes like: “You can’t always get what you want,” are extremely popular. This is what keeps the status quo consistent.

The result is that people become miserable. Sad miserable people are the norm, and this is the main reason why everyone around you gets annoyed if you are too happy. They resent your bright, shiny sparkles because they want it too, but they don’t know how to go there. So they prefer it if you keep your happiness to yourself. If you don’t, they will make an effort to make you miserable too. Somehow, they feel more comfortable when everyone is equally miserable. That is why we say that misery loves company.

What happens if you take inspired action?

Inspired action is a whole different kettle of fish. If you follow an inspiration rather than a thought, your inner drive turns into passion, and your desire to take action becomes irresistible.

The other day, I decided to take a bath and just forget about my business for a while. I just wanted to rest and nurture myself in nice hot water. I put a face mask on, washed my hair, shaved my legs and had a lovely self pampering session. I finally lay down in the water with closed eyes, and all of a sudden, I saw a whole different version of my home page!

This new version was so much better than what I already had in place that I couldn’t wait to get started on it. Forget about being in a nice, relaxing bath! My inspired call to action made me jump out of the water, dry my hair for a few minutes and run back to my computer so I could implement the changes while they were still fresh in my inner vision.

I felt so excited that I didn’t even have breakfast until 3pm that day. Everything else could wait! I just had to see what the finished result would be like, and as I was working on it, one thing led to another, so I ended up changing a few other pages too.

Inspired action feels different!

It always comes back to what it feels like. This is how you can tell the difference between mental action and inspired action. Mental action feels like a burden, or an ordeal, something you are not really looking forward to, but you think it needs to be done. Like doing taxes. Are you ever inspired to do taxes? Not! But they have to be done, so you just decide on a day, and then buckle down and do them. This is mental action. So, if anything you are doing feels like taxes, know that you are not acting from inspiration.

Inspired action doesn’t feel like that. When inspiration comes, you feel excitement and a sense of urgency that creates an irresistible need to take action, even if it is in the middle of the night, or at some other inconvenient time or place. There is a drive, or a passion within you that can’t be delayed.

So, just ask yourself: How does it feel? Are you excited? Ready to jump in? Or kind of dragging your feet? Is there an urgency happening? Like you can’t wait to get started? Or are you planning to wait until some time next week? There is a huge difference in the way it feels. So, if you want to align with Spirit and allow yourself to be inspired, you have to learn how to feel, rather than think.

It will probably take some getting used to, but the difference between living a life of mental anguish and boredom, versus living an inspired life is enormous! So, start feeling it right now. If something doesn’t feel right, just drop it because you are better off without. Trust me, I have tried both ways…

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