Daily Meditation


This is a guided meditation based on a an old Buddhist meditation technique originally created by Atisha, who was one of Buddha’s disciples. It will allow you to transform all your pain and suffering into love and compassion, which can then be shared with the rest of the world…

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It may be hard to believe that you can have any impact on the rest of the world by doing a simple meditation. But you will know the truth of this as soon as you do it and feel how it raises your own vibration.

You’ll feel so centered, peaceful and expanded from this process; you’ll feel like you just stepped into the river of life and had a drink that gives you more energy than any green smoothie. I call it “Divine Buzz.”

So, commit yourself to doing this powerful meditation every day for the next 21 days. Enjoy the “Divine Buzz,” while sharing your love and light with the world.

Now, you are truly a “light worker.” There is nothing airy-fairy about it. Like Buddha says, this is science! He also said “Be a light unto yourself.” So, let’s turn up the light and begin the journey.

Note: I recommend that you turn up the music quite loud, but still within your comfort zone, because the music is just as important for your experience as the spoken words…

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