The World

What is Your Soul Purpose

Have you ever wondered what you soul purpose is? This is one of those questions that can really bog you down. Intuitively, you feel like you are here for a reason, but how can you tell what your soul purpose is?

So many people are trying to figure this out. If there is such a thing as a soul purpose, why can’t we remember what it is? What if we never figure it out, and waste our life doing other stuff? These are some of the questions I have heard people ask about soul purpose, and I can always sense the anguish behind this question.

It is true that it is important to figure out what your soul purpose is, so today, I’ll give you a few hints about how to do that.

Negative Core Imprint

We all know what positive imprinting is. It is what happens to the ducklings after they hatch. They imprint on the being that is closest to them so they can learn to bond with their mom. Negative imprinting is exactly the opposite. It is a negative experience that we associate with childhood. As painful as it is, a negative imprint often contains a clue about your soul purpose.

Your soul purpose is something you are supposed to teach others. Therefore, it has to be something you know more about than most people. The knowing has to come from your own experience with the issue. It has to be something you have struggled with in the past, and found a way to overcome as you matured. So the easiest way to pinpoint what your soul purpose is, is to go back to your childhood and remember what your biggest challenge was as a kid. 

For me, growing up in Norway, I was really suffering from ice-olation. I was a strange kid because I was so sensitive to people’s vibes. I was feeling things, like people’s judgment or resentment, and I would pull away just to make myself feel better. Therefore, I chose to spend a lot of time alone.

I was also a free spirit that didn’t fit into a box, always rebelling against my strict father. Because I was craving more freedom, especially as a teenager, I was always rocking the boat. I found all the societal and moralistic rules suffocating, and I was struggling to find the freedom to just be me.

The opposite of isolation is connection, so teaching connection is part of my soul purpose. It could be connection to others, connection to Source, connection to feelings etc. I am also here to teach rebellion to reclaim your free spirited nature.

A friend of mine grew up in a very strict family where obedience to authority figures were drilled into her. So, she is here to teach people how to find their own inner authority. You get the idea…

So, if you can remember what your biggest issue, or negative imprint was from your childhood, your soul purpose is the exact opposite of that imprint.

Your Soul Purpose Expressions

You’ll find that your soul purpose can express itself in 3 ways, either through service, by creating beautiful things, or simply by evolving as a spiritual being. So, when you figure out what you are here to teach, you can express this teaching through one of these outlets: service, creativity or evolution.

This is where your talents and interests come into the picture. Your talents are simply tools you can use to express your purpose. They don’t indicate what you are supposed to do. Some people are confused about this too. They think that their talents are their purpose. NOT…

You may have many talents, but you don’t always love doing something just because you are good at it. So, the trick is to find a way to express your soul purpose by using your talents to do something you love.

You may be good at cooking, but that doesn’t mean you love cooking. You may love singing, but you may have no talent for singing. So you need to find where your talents and interests intersect, and then match it with whatever issue you know you are supposed to teach as a soul purpose.

It may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. I’ll give you some examples…

Take my soul purpose – to teach connection. I can do this in many ways, through massage, dance, tarot readings, women’s groups, therapy, meditation etc. Or, I can do it by painting pictures or writing poetry that touches people’s hearts. Or I can become a teacher, sharing my own spiritual journey from isolation to connection.

As you see, some of these things are services, some are creative expressions, and some are evolutionary. My soul purpose can be expressed through any one of these avenues. But the truth is, I’m not interested in doing massage, and I’m not a good enough dancer to teach dance. Do you see what I mean? I can pick and choose any one of these ways to express my core issues of connection and rebellion. Which one I choose doesn’t really matter. It just has to have something to do with connection, rebellion or spiritual expansion.

My friend who is here to teach inner authority, could work as a therapist, or teach people intuitive decision making, or even intuitive painting. Anything goes, as long as it has to do with trusting yourself.

Maybe you Are Already Doing It?

A lot of times, when I talk to a client about soul purpose, I find that they are already doing it, but they didn’t even know it. They thought it had to be more important, or more esoteric, or more complicated. But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be complicated at all.

When I go to sell stuff at the local Saturday market, I always bring an extra chair. I never know who is going to sit in that chair, but it never stays empty for long. There is always someone who wants to sit down and tell me a story and connect with me. So my soul purpose can be expressed as simply as just bringing an extra chair to the market!

Once you know what your core issue is that you are here to teach or share with others, you can find ways to incorporate it very simply. If you are here to share your joy with others, perhaps you just need to give people a lot of smiles, and you are already fulfilling your purpose.

One lady I know is here to share her positive attitude with others. She is like a ray of light everywhere she goes, and she doesn’t even consciously know about her soul purpose, even though she is already doing it.

So, let me know what yours is in the comments below. I would love to know…

Photo by Alex Smith on Unsplash

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