When I was learning Tarot, one of the first things I was told was not to ask the same question over and over. I heard that it would give confusing answers, and that any type of Divination should always be done only once.
I couldn’t really understand why that would be an issue. If Tarot actually works, why would it matter if you ask it once or twice? Shouldn’t the message be the same every time?
I figured that if you really trust the wisdom of the Tarot, that shouldn’t make any difference at all, because the Tarot is a reflection of the truth of a situation. So, the message should be the same each time you ask, even though it would show up as a combination of different cards. So, I decided to try it and see for myself what would happen.
One day, a friend of my son came over and was in desperate need of a relationship reading. I put the cards out, and he really didn’t like what the cards were showing. So, he asked if I could shuffle the cards better and do it again. Just for fun, I did what he asked, and put the cards out again. And the same overall message came out, expressed in slightly different card combinations. But it was unmistakably the same message. He still wasn’t happy, so he asked me to do it one more time.
I laughed, gathered the cards, focused and shuffled, and put them out again. Different cards came up, but still the same message. I giggled and told him he had to work on his trust issues, since he didn’t believe what I was saying after 3 “random” selections of cards showed him exactly the same message. He still didn’t like the message, but it did blow his logical mind, and that is always a good thing…
I also have a different friend who never likes my readings (but still comes back for more, lol). She always wants me to put out the cards at least twice, and the message is always the same each time. Sometimes, I will change the focus if she wants me to do a third reading to something like: What am I doing to block this from happening, what do I need to see, what do I need to let go of, how can I grow from this situation, and so on. Those kinds of questions will often soften the frustration the client is feeling.
I can understand that it is frustrating to pay for a reading, and not get the answer you want to hear. But the situation is what it is, and it doesn’t matter how many times you ask the cards. The answer is still the same. However, we do have the power within us to change the future, but only by doing our own spiritual work. We are not supposed to control or change others. We are here to walk our own paths, and that is all we have the power to shift.
So, when people are obsessing over an issue and they want reading after reading about the same thing, I always try to add some helpful questions in the reading that can help them let go of the resistance they are feeling. Resistance feels horrible, and it is that horrible feeling that causes them to obsess.
So, it doesn’t matter to the Tarot if we ask the same thing over and over. It just isn’t really helpful to the client, unless they find themselves in a very volatile situation that changes on a daily basis. So, that is my take on this issue. Please comment below if you feel strongly about this.